Creating an account

There are three ways to create a Luce account. You can create a new account from our Sign up page or Luce mobile app. If you already have an existing Apple ID or Google account, you can use them to create a Luce account.

To create a Luce account from Sign up page
  1. Visit our Sign up page and choose your account type.

  2. Choose your Account Type, then tap Continue button.

  3. On this interface, enter the required informations. Tap Continue. Note: Make sure you enter your email address correctly and choose an email address that only you can access. If you log out and forget your password, you'll need to be able to access your email to get back into your Luce account.

  4. On the Account Info page, you will have to enter the mobile number and the informations of your address, then tap Save. Note: Use your valid phone number as this can be used to send the OTP code to your phone.

  5. You will be redirected to the Booking page where you can start booking the session.

To create a Luce account from Luce mobile app
  1. Download the Luce app from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).

  2. Tap Sign up and Choose your Account Type, then tap Next.

  3. On this interface, you may input your Login Informations. Tap Next. Note: Make sure you enter your email address correctly and choose an email address that only you can access. If you log out and forget your password, you'll need to be able to access your email to get back into your Luce account.

  4. On the Confirmation interface, enter the mobile number and the informations of your address, then tap Next. Note: Use your valid phone number as this can be used to send the OTP code to your phone.

  5. Enter the OTP code that is sent to your mobile number, then tap Verify.

  6. Once the OTP is verified, the success message will pop up on your screen and you will be redirected to your dashboard.

To create a Luce account using Apple ID or Google account

If you have an Apple ID or Google account, you can use this as well to create a Luce account.

  1. Download the Luce app from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).

  2. To finish creating your account, you need to confirm by inputting the OTP code that is sent to your mobile number.

  3. Once the OTP is verified, the success message will pop up on your screen and you will be redirected to your dashboard.

You may be asked to save your login info. If you choose to save your login information, you won’t need to enter it the next time you log back into your account.

If you're having a problem with accessing your Luce account:

Last updated